Student Neighborhood Access Program
We all want healthier kids. But to encourage kids to walk or bike to school meant convincing moms that their children would arrive safely. That was the challenge for the Student Neighborhood Access Program (SNAP).
We learned through research that the best way to work with moms was through their cell phones. So we created the "Walking School Bus" app that allows parents to coordinate adult-led, group walks to and from school and to receive notifications when their children arrive safely. In addition to our PR efforts, we also launched a comprehensive marcomm campaign and contests where the students could receive prizes for walking to and from school.
Created the world’s first “Walking School Bus” app
Targeted earned media, courting bloggers and other influencers
Communicated the benefits of the app through targeted PTA organizations
Developed direct mail and email blast programs to principals and district administrators
Launched walking contests for schools and students
Organized and executed a targeted earned media launch event
More than 1,000 walking groups created across the state of Utah
415,000 car trips reduced around crowded school zones
330,000 miles walked (13 times around the earth)
116 million grams of CO2 emissions eliminated
33 million calories burned
More than 150 print and broadcast stories
More than 20 national awards, including five Silver Anvils